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Iterator classes for working with paginated API responses.

MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 100 module-attribute

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) module-attribute


A list of Block objects returned by the Notion API.

block: Any = Field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute


A list of Database objects returned by the Notion API.

database: Any = Field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute


Iterates over results from a paginated API response.

These objects may be reused, however they are not thread safe. For example, after creating the following iterator:

notion = notional.connect(auth=NOTION_TOKEN)
query = EndpointIterator(notion.databases().query)

The iterator may be reused with different database ID's:

for items in query(database_id=first_db):

for items in query(database_id=second_db):

Objects returned by the iterator may also be converted to a specific type. This is most commonly used to wrap API objects with a higher-level object (such as ORM types).

If a class is provided, it will be constructued for each result returned by this iterator. The constructor must accept a single argument, which is the NotionObject contained in the ObjectList.

has_more = None instance-attribute

next_cursor = None instance-attribute

page_num = -1 instance-attribute

total_items = -1 instance-attribute


Return a generator for this endpoint using the given parameters.


Collect all items from the endpoint as a list.


A paginated list of objects returned by the Notion API.

More details in the Notion API.

has_more: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute

next_cursor: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

results: list[Annotated[NotionObject, BeforeValidator(convert_to_notion_obj)]] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute


A list of Page objects returned by the Notion API.

page: Any = Field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute


A list of Page or Database objects returned by the Notion API.

page_or_database: Any = Field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute


A paginated list of property items returned by the Notion API.

Property item lists contain one or more pages of basic property items. These types do not typically match the schema for corresponding property values.

property_item: _NestedData = _NestedData() class-attribute instance-attribute


A list of User objects returned by the Notion API.

user: Any = Field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute

convert_to_notion_obj(obj: dict[str, Any]) -> Block | Page | Database | PropertyItem | User | GenericObject

Convert a dictionary to the corresponding subtype of Notion Object.

Used in the ObjectList below the convert the results from the Notion API.