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Base classes for working with the Notion API.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) module-attribute


The base for all API objects.

As a general convention, data fields in lower case are defined by the Notion API. Properties in Title Case are provided for convenience.

model_config = ConfigDict(extra='forbid') class-attribute instance-attribute

build(*args, **kwargs) classmethod

Use the standard constructur to build the instance. Will be overridden for more complex types.


Serialize the object for sending it to the Notion API.


Update the internal attributes with new data.


A top-level Notion API resource.

id: UUID | str = None class-attribute instance-attribute

object: str instance-attribute

request_id: UUID = None class-attribute instance-attribute

__init_subclass__(*, object=None, **kwargs)

__pydantic_init_subclass__(*, object=None, **kwargs) classmethod

Update GenericObject defaults for the named object.

Needed since model_fields are not available during init_subclass See: pydantic/pydantic#5369


A type-referenced object.

Many objects in the Notion API follow a standard pattern with a 'type' property followed by additional data. These objects must specify a type attribute to ensure that the correct object is created.

For example, this contains a nested 'detail' object:

data = {
    type: "detail",
    detail: {

Calling the object provides direct access to the data stored in {type}.

type: str instance-attribute

value: Any property

Return the nested object.

__init_subclass__(*, type: str | None = None, polymorphic_base: bool = False, **kwargs)

__pydantic_init_subclass__(*, type: str | None = None, **kwargs) classmethod

Register the subtypes of the TypedObject subclass.

Needed since model_fields are not available during init_subclass. See: pydantic/pydantic#5369