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Ultimate Notion provides a pythonic, high-level API for Notion.


__all__ = ['AggFunc', 'BGColor', 'CodeLang', 'ColType', 'Color', 'Column', 'Database', 'Emoji', 'File', 'NumberFormat', 'Option', 'OptionNS', 'Page', 'PageSchema', 'RichText', 'SelfRef', 'Session', 'User', 'VState', '__version__'] module-attribute

__version__ = version('ultimate-notion') module-attribute


Aggregation functions for formulas.

AVERAGE = 'average' class-attribute instance-attribute

CHECKED = 'checked' class-attribute instance-attribute

COUNT = 'count' class-attribute instance-attribute

COUNT_PER_GROUP = 'count_per_group' class-attribute instance-attribute

COUNT_VALUES = 'count_values' class-attribute instance-attribute

DATE_RANGE = 'date_range' class-attribute instance-attribute

EARLIEST_DATE = 'earliest_date' class-attribute instance-attribute

EMPTY = 'empty' class-attribute instance-attribute

LATEST_DATE = 'latest_date' class-attribute instance-attribute

MAX = 'max' class-attribute instance-attribute

MEDIAN = 'median' class-attribute instance-attribute

MIN = 'min' class-attribute instance-attribute

NOT_EMPTY = 'not_empty' class-attribute instance-attribute

PERCENT_CHECKED = 'percent_checked' class-attribute instance-attribute

PERCENT_EMPTY = 'percent_empty' class-attribute instance-attribute

PERCENT_NOT_EMPTY = 'percent_not_empty' class-attribute instance-attribute

PERCENT_PER_GROUP = 'percent_per_group' class-attribute instance-attribute

RANGE = 'range' class-attribute instance-attribute

SHOW_ORIGINAL = 'show_original' class-attribute instance-attribute

SHOW_UNIQUE = 'show_unique' class-attribute instance-attribute

SUM = 'sum' class-attribute instance-attribute

UNCHECKED = 'unchecked' class-attribute instance-attribute

UNIQUE = 'unique' class-attribute instance-attribute


Background colors for most textual blocks, e.g. paragraphs, callouts, etc.

BLUE = 'blue_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

BROWN = 'brown_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

DEFAULT = 'default' class-attribute instance-attribute

GRAY = 'gray_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

GREEN = 'green_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

ORANGE = 'orange_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

PINK = 'pink_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

PURPLE = 'purple_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

RED = 'red_background' class-attribute instance-attribute

YELLOW = 'yellow_background' class-attribute instance-attribute


Coding languages for code blocks.

ABAP = 'abap' class-attribute instance-attribute

ARDUINO = 'arduino' class-attribute instance-attribute

BASH = 'bash' class-attribute instance-attribute

BASIC = 'basic' class-attribute instance-attribute

C = 'c' class-attribute instance-attribute

CLOJURE = 'clojure' class-attribute instance-attribute

COFFEESCRIPT = 'coffeescript' class-attribute instance-attribute

CPP = 'c++' class-attribute instance-attribute

CSHARP = 'c#' class-attribute instance-attribute

CSS = 'css' class-attribute instance-attribute

DART = 'dart' class-attribute instance-attribute

DIFF = 'diff' class-attribute instance-attribute

DOCKER = 'docker' class-attribute instance-attribute

ELIXIR = 'elixir' class-attribute instance-attribute

ELM = 'elm' class-attribute instance-attribute

ERLANG = 'erlang' class-attribute instance-attribute

FLOW = 'flow' class-attribute instance-attribute

FORTRAN = 'fortran' class-attribute instance-attribute

FSHARP = 'f#' class-attribute instance-attribute

GHERKIN = 'gherkin' class-attribute instance-attribute

GLSL = 'glsl' class-attribute instance-attribute

GO = 'go' class-attribute instance-attribute

GRAPHQL = 'graphql' class-attribute instance-attribute

GROOVY = 'groovy' class-attribute instance-attribute

HASKELL = 'haskell' class-attribute instance-attribute

HTML = 'html' class-attribute instance-attribute

JAVA = 'java' class-attribute instance-attribute

JAVASCRIPT = 'javascript' class-attribute instance-attribute

JSON = 'json' class-attribute instance-attribute

JULIA = 'julia' class-attribute instance-attribute

KOTLIN = 'kotlin' class-attribute instance-attribute

LATEX = 'latex' class-attribute instance-attribute

LESS = 'less' class-attribute instance-attribute

LISP = 'lisp' class-attribute instance-attribute

LIVESCRIPT = 'livescript' class-attribute instance-attribute

LUA = 'lua' class-attribute instance-attribute

MAKEFILE = 'makefile' class-attribute instance-attribute

MARKDOWN = 'markdown' class-attribute instance-attribute

MARKUP = 'markup' class-attribute instance-attribute

MATLAB = 'matlab' class-attribute instance-attribute

MERMAID = 'mermaid' class-attribute instance-attribute

MISC = 'java/c/c++/c#' class-attribute instance-attribute

NIX = 'nix' class-attribute instance-attribute

OBJECTIVE_C = 'objective-c' class-attribute instance-attribute

OCAML = 'ocaml' class-attribute instance-attribute

PASCAL = 'pascal' class-attribute instance-attribute

PERL = 'perl' class-attribute instance-attribute

PHP = 'php' class-attribute instance-attribute

PLAIN_TEXT = 'plain text' class-attribute instance-attribute

POWERSHELL = 'powershell' class-attribute instance-attribute

PROLOG = 'prolog' class-attribute instance-attribute

PROTOBUF = 'protobuf' class-attribute instance-attribute

PYTHON = 'python' class-attribute instance-attribute

R = 'r' class-attribute instance-attribute

REASON = 'reason' class-attribute instance-attribute

RUBY = 'ruby' class-attribute instance-attribute

RUST = 'rust' class-attribute instance-attribute

SASS = 'sass' class-attribute instance-attribute

SCALA = 'scala' class-attribute instance-attribute

SCHEME = 'scheme' class-attribute instance-attribute

SCSS = 'scss' class-attribute instance-attribute

SHELL = 'shell' class-attribute instance-attribute

SQL = 'sql' class-attribute instance-attribute

SWIFT = 'swift' class-attribute instance-attribute

TYPESCRIPT = 'typescript' class-attribute instance-attribute

VB_NET = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

VERILOG = 'verilog' class-attribute instance-attribute

VHDL = 'vhdl' class-attribute instance-attribute

VISUAL_BASIC = 'visual basic' class-attribute instance-attribute

WEBASSEMBLY = 'webassembly' class-attribute instance-attribute

XML = 'xml' class-attribute instance-attribute

YAML = 'yaml' class-attribute instance-attribute


Namespace class of all columns types for easier access.

Checkbox = Checkbox class-attribute instance-attribute

CreatedBy = CreatedBy class-attribute instance-attribute

CreatedTime = CreatedTime class-attribute instance-attribute

Date = Date class-attribute instance-attribute

Email = Email class-attribute instance-attribute

Files = Files class-attribute instance-attribute

Formula = Formula class-attribute instance-attribute

ID = ID class-attribute instance-attribute

LastEditedBy = LastEditedBy class-attribute instance-attribute

LastEditedTime = LastEditedTime class-attribute instance-attribute

MultiSelect = MultiSelect class-attribute instance-attribute

Number = Number class-attribute instance-attribute

People = People class-attribute instance-attribute

PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber class-attribute instance-attribute

Relation = Relation class-attribute instance-attribute

Rollup = Rollup class-attribute instance-attribute

Select = Select class-attribute instance-attribute

Status = Status class-attribute instance-attribute

Text = Text class-attribute instance-attribute

Title = Title class-attribute instance-attribute

URL = URL class-attribute instance-attribute

Verification = Verification class-attribute instance-attribute


Basic colors

BLUE = 'blue' class-attribute instance-attribute

BROWN = 'brown' class-attribute instance-attribute

DEFAULT = 'default' class-attribute instance-attribute

GRAY = 'gray' class-attribute instance-attribute

GREEN = 'green' class-attribute instance-attribute

ORANGE = 'orange' class-attribute instance-attribute

PINK = 'pink' class-attribute instance-attribute

PURPLE = 'purple' class-attribute instance-attribute

RED = 'red' class-attribute instance-attribute

YELLOW = 'yellow' class-attribute instance-attribute

Column(name: str, type: PropertyType)

Column with a name and a certain Property Type for defining a Notion database schema.

This is implemented as a descriptor.

attr_name: str property

name: str property writable

type: PropertyType property writable

__repr__() -> str

__set_name__(owner: type[PageSchema], name: str)

Database(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

A Notion database.

This object always represents an original database, not a linked database.

API reference:

block_url: str property

URL of this database.

cover: File | None property

Return the cover of this database as file.

description: RichText property writable

Return the description of this database as rich text.

icon: File | Emoji | None property

Return the icon of this database as file or emoji.

is_empty: bool property

Is this database empty?

is_inline: bool property

Is this database an inline database?

is_wiki: bool property

Is this database a wiki database.

schema: type[PageSchema] property writable

Schema of the database.

title: RichText property writable

Return the title of this database as rich text.

url: str property

Return the URL of this database.

__bool__() -> bool

Overwrite default behaviour.

__len__() -> int

Return the number of pages in this database.

__repr__() -> str


create_page(**kwargs) -> Page

Create a page with properties according to the schema within the corresponding database.

delete() -> Database

Delete/archive this database.

fetch_all() -> View

Fetch all pages and return a view.


Query a (large) database for pages in a more specific way.

reload() -> Database

Reload this database.

restore() -> Database

Restore/unarchive this database.

Emoji(emoji: str)

Emoji object which behaves like str.

obj_ref = instance-attribute

__eq__(other: object) -> bool


__repr__() -> str

__str__() -> str

from_code(shortcode: str) -> Emoji classmethod

Create an Emoji object from a :shortcode:, e.g. 😄

to_code() -> str

Represent the emoji as :shortcode:, e.g. 😄

File(*, url: str, name: str | None = None)

A web resource e.g. for the files property.

name: str | None property

obj_ref: objs.FileObject =, name=name) instance-attribute

url: str property

__eq__(other: object) -> bool


__repr__() -> str

__str__() -> str

wrap_obj_ref(obj_ref: objs.FileObject) -> File classmethod


Number formats for numbers.

ARGENTINE_PESO = 'argentine_peso' class-attribute instance-attribute

BAHT = 'baht' class-attribute instance-attribute

CANADIAN_DOLLAR = 'canadian_dollar' class-attribute instance-attribute

CHILEAN_PESO = 'chilean_peso' class-attribute instance-attribute

COLOMBIAN_PESO = 'colombian_peso' class-attribute instance-attribute

DANISH_KRONE = 'danish_krone' class-attribute instance-attribute

DIRHAM = 'dirham' class-attribute instance-attribute

DOLLAR = 'dollar' class-attribute instance-attribute

EURO = 'euro' class-attribute instance-attribute

FORINT = 'forint' class-attribute instance-attribute

FRANC = 'franc' class-attribute instance-attribute

HONG_KONG_DOLLAR = 'hong_kong_dollar' class-attribute instance-attribute

KORUNA = 'koruna' class-attribute instance-attribute

KRONA = 'krona' class-attribute instance-attribute

LEU = 'leu' class-attribute instance-attribute

LIRA = 'lira' class-attribute instance-attribute

MEXICAN_PESO = 'mexican_peso' class-attribute instance-attribute

NEW_TAIWAN_DOLLAR = 'new_taiwan_dollar' class-attribute instance-attribute

NEW_ZEALAND_DOLLAR = 'new_zealand_dollar' class-attribute instance-attribute

NORWEGIAN_KRONE = 'norwegian_krone' class-attribute instance-attribute

NUMBER = 'number' class-attribute instance-attribute

NUMBER_WITH_COMMAS = 'number_with_commas' class-attribute instance-attribute

PERCENT = 'percent' class-attribute instance-attribute

PHILIPPINE_PESO = 'philippine_peso' class-attribute instance-attribute

POUND = 'pound' class-attribute instance-attribute

RAND = 'rand' class-attribute instance-attribute

REAL = 'real' class-attribute instance-attribute

RINGGIT = 'ringgit' class-attribute instance-attribute

RIYAL = 'riyal' class-attribute instance-attribute

RUBLE = 'ruble' class-attribute instance-attribute

RUPEE = 'rupee' class-attribute instance-attribute

RUPIAH = 'rupiah' class-attribute instance-attribute

SHEKEL = 'shekel' class-attribute instance-attribute

URUGUAYAN_PESO = 'uruguayan_peso' class-attribute instance-attribute

WON = 'won' class-attribute instance-attribute

YEN = 'yen' class-attribute instance-attribute

YUAN = 'yuan' class-attribute instance-attribute

ZLOTY = 'zloty' class-attribute instance-attribute

Option(name: str, *, color: Color = Color.DEFAULT)

Option for select & multi-select property.

id: str property

ID of the option.

name: str property

Name of the option.

__eq__(other: object) -> bool

__hash__() -> int

__repr__() -> str

__str__() -> str

description() -> str

Description of the option.


Option namespace to simplify working with (Multi-)Select options.

to_list() -> list[Option] classmethod

Convert the enum to a list as needed by the (Multi)Select column types.

Page(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

A Notion page.


Name Type Description
props PageProperties

accessor for all page properties

children: list[Page | Database] property

Return all contained databases and pages within this page

content: list[Block] property

Return the content of this page, i.e. all blocks belonging to this page

cover: File | None property writable

Cover of the page.

database: Database | None property

If this page is located in a database return the database or None otherwise.

icon: File | Emoji | None property writable

Icon of the page, i.e. emojis, Notion's icons, or custom images.

props: PageProperties instance-attribute

title: RichText property writable

Title of the page.

url: str property

Return the URL of this database.

__repr__() -> str

__str__() -> str

delete() -> Page

Delete/archive this page.

reload() -> Page

Reload this page.

restore() -> Page

Restore/unarchive this page.

show(*, simple: bool | None = None)

Show the content of the page, rendered in Jupyter Lab

to_html(*, raw: bool = False) -> str

Return the content of the page as HTML.

to_markdown() -> str

Return the content of the page as Markdown.

wrap_obj_ref(obj_ref: obj_blocks.Page) -> Page classmethod


Base class for the schema of a database.

db_desc: RichText | None instance-attribute

db_title: RichText | None instance-attribute

__init_subclass__(db_title: RichText | str | None, **kwargs: Any)

as_table(tablefmt: str | None = None) -> str classmethod

Return the schema in a given string table format.

Some table formats:

  • plain: no pseudographics
  • simple: Pandoc's simple table, i.e. only dashes to separate header from content
  • github: GitHub flavored Markdown
  • simple_grid: uses dashes & pipes to separate cells
  • html: standard html markup

Find more table formats under: astanin/python-tabulate#table-format

bind_db(db: Database) classmethod

Bind the PageSchema to the corresponding database for back-reference.

create(**kwargs) -> Page classmethod

Create a page using this schema with a bound database.

from_dict(schema_dct: dict[str, PropertyType], db_title: str | None = None, db_desc: str | None = None) -> type[PageSchema] classmethod

Creation of a schema from a dictionary for easy support of dynamically created schemas.

get_col(col_name: str) -> Column classmethod

Get a specific column from this schema assuming that column names are unique.

get_cols() -> list[Column] classmethod

Get all columns of this schema.

get_db() -> Database classmethod

Get the database that is bound to this schema.

get_title_col() -> Column classmethod

Returns the column holding the title of the pages.

is_bound() -> bool classmethod

Determines if the schema is bound to a database.

is_consistent_with(other_schema: type[PageSchema]) -> bool classmethod

Is this schema consistent with another ignoring backward relations if not in other schema.

show(*, simple: bool | None = None) classmethod

Show the schema as html or as simple table.

to_dict() -> dict[str, PropertyType] classmethod

Convert this schema to a dictionary.

RichText(plain_text: str)

User-facing class holding several RichTexts.

obj_ref: list[objs.RichTextObject] property

__eq__(other: object) -> bool


from_markdown(text: str) -> RichText classmethod

Create RichTextList by parsing the markdown.

from_plain_text(text: str) -> RichText classmethod

Create RichTextList from plain text.

This method is a more explicit alias for the default constructor.

to_markdown() -> str

Convert the list of RichText objects to markdown.

to_plain_text() -> str

Return rich text as plaintext

This method is a more explicit variant then just using the object.

wrap_obj_ref(obj_refs: list[objs.RichTextObject] | None) -> RichText classmethod


Target schema for self-referencing database relations.

Session(cfg: Config | None = None, **kwargs: Any)

A session for the Notion API.

The session keeps tracks of all objects, e.g. pages, databases, etc. in an object store to avoid unnecessary calls to the API.


Name Type Description Default
cfg Config | None

configuration object

**kwargs Any

Arguments for the [Notion SDK Client][]


api: NotionAPI = NotionAPI(self.client) instance-attribute

cache: dict[UUID, DataObject | User] = {} class-attribute

client: notion_client.Client = notion_client.Client(auth=auth, **kwargs) instance-attribute

__enter__() -> Session

__exit__(exc_type: type[BaseException], exc_value: BaseException, traceback: TracebackType) -> None

all_users() -> list[User]

Retrieve all users of this workspace.


Close the session and release resources.

create_db(parent: Page, schema: type[PageSchema] | None = None) -> Database

Create a new database within a page.


1. initialize external forward relations, i.e. relations pointing to other databases
2. create the database using a Notion API call and potential external forward relations
3. initialize self-referencing forward relations
4. create columns with self-referencing forward relations using an update call
5. update the backward references, i.e. two-way relations, using an update call

create_dbs(parents: Page | list[Page], schemas: list[type[PageSchema]]) -> list[Database]

Create new databases in the right order in case there a relations between them.

create_page(parent: Page, title: RichText | str | None = None) -> Page

Create a new page in a parent page.

get_active() -> Session classmethod

Return the current active session or None.

get_db(db_ref: ObjRef, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> Database

Retrieve Notion database by uuid

get_or_create(*args, **kwargs) -> Session classmethod

Return the current active session or create a new session.

get_or_create_db(parent: Page, schema: type[PageSchema]) -> Database

Get or create the database.

get_page(page_ref: ObjRef, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> Page

Retrieve a page by uuid.

get_user(user_ref: ObjRef, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> User

Get a user by uuid.

is_closed() -> bool

Determine if the session is closed or not.


Confirm that the session is active and raise otherwise.

Raises SessionError if there is a problem, otherwise returns None.

search_db(db_name: str | None = None, *, exact: bool = True, reverse: bool = False, deleted: bool = False) -> SList[Database]

Search a database by name or return all if db_name is None.


Name Type Description Default
db_name str | None

name/title of the database, return all if None

exact bool

perform an exact search, not only a substring match

reverse bool

search in the reverse order, i.e. the least recently edited results first

deleted bool

include deleted databases in search


search_page(title: str | None = None, *, exact: bool = True, reverse: bool = False, deleted: bool = False) -> SList[Page]

Search a page by name.


Name Type Description Default
title str | None

title of the page, return all if None

exact bool

perform an exact search, not only a substring match

reverse bool

search in the reverse order, i.e. the least recently edited results first

deleted bool

include deleted pages in search


search_user(name: str) -> SList[User]

Search a user by name.

whoami() -> User

Return the user object of this bot.

User(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

avatar_url property

email: str | None property

id property

is_bot: bool property

is_person: bool property

name property

__eq__(other: object) -> bool

__hash__() -> int

__repr__() -> str


wrap_obj_ref(obj_ref: objs.User) -> User classmethod


Verification states for pages in wiki databases.

UNVERIFIED = 'unverified' class-attribute instance-attribute

VERIFIED = 'verified' class-attribute instance-attribute