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File and emoji objects for the Notion API.

Emoji(emoji: str)

Emoji object which behaves like str.

obj_ref = instance-attribute

__eq__(other: object) -> bool


__repr__() -> str

__str__() -> str

from_code(shortcode: str) -> Emoji classmethod

Create an Emoji object from a :shortcode:, e.g. 😄

to_code() -> str

Represent the emoji as :shortcode:, e.g. 😄

FileInfo(*, url: str, name: str | None = None)

Information about a web resource e.g. for the files property.

caption: RichText property

name: str | None property

obj_ref: objs.FileObject =, name=name) instance-attribute

url: str property

__eq__(other: object) -> bool


__repr__() -> str

__str__() -> str

wrap_obj_ref(obj_ref: objs.FileObject) -> FileInfo classmethod

to_file_or_emoji(obj: FileInfo | Emoji | str) -> FileInfo | Emoji

Convert the object to a FileInfo or Emoji object.

Strings which are an emoji or describing an emoji, e.g. 👍 are converted to Emoji objects. Strings which are URLs are converted to FileInfo objects.

wrap_icon(icon_obj: objs.FileObject | objs.EmojiObject | None) -> FileInfo | Emoji | None

Wrap the icon object into the corresponding class.