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Client for Google Tasks API.

Follow this quickstart guide to enable the API and create the necessary credentials:

Official Python API documentation: Official REST documentation:


The Google Task API does not support setting time information for due dates. Thus, the time information of a datetime object is truncated and a pure date is obtained.

DEFAULT_LIST_ID_LEN = 32 module-attribute

Length of the ID of the Google default tasklist.

MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 100 module-attribute

Maximum number of results per page when fetching all tasks.

GObject(_resource: Resource, **data: str)

Representation of a general Google Object from the Tasks API.

etag: str instance-attribute

id: str instance-attribute

kind: Kind instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(extra='ignore' if is_stable_release() else 'forbid') class-attribute instance-attribute

title_: str = Field(..., alias='title') class-attribute instance-attribute

updated: datetime instance-attribute

__eq__(other: object) -> bool

__hash__() -> int

GTask(_resource: Resource, **data: str)

Representation of a Google Task.

children: list[GTask] property

Returns the children of this task.

completed_at: datetime | None = Field(alias='completed', default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

due: datetime | None property writable

Returns the due date of this task.

due_: datetime | None = Field(alias='due', default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

hidden: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute

is_completed: bool property writable

Returns whether this task is completed.

is_deleted: bool = Field(alias='deleted', default=False) class-attribute instance-attribute

kind: Literal[Kind.TASK] instance-attribute

notes: str | None property writable

Returns the notes of this task.

notes_: str | None = Field(alias='notes', default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

parent: GTask | None property writable

Returns the parent task of this task.

parent_id: str | None = Field(alias='parent', default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

position: int property

Returns the position of this task.

position_: str = Field(alias='position') class-attribute instance-attribute

status: Status = Status.NEEDS_ACTION class-attribute instance-attribute

tasklist: GTaskList property

Returns the task list this task belongs to.

tasklist_id: str property

Returns the task list this task belongs to.

title: str property writable

Returns the title of this task.

delete() -> GTask

Deletes this task.

position_after(previous: GTask | None = None) -> GTask

Moves this task to the behind the given task.

reload() -> GTask

Reloads this task from the API.

GTaskList(_resource: Resource, **data: str)

Representation of a Google Task List.

is_default: bool property

Is this the default task list?

is_empty: bool property

Is this task list empty?

kind: Literal[Kind.TASK_LIST] instance-attribute

title: str property writable

Returns the title of this task list.

__bool__() -> bool

Overwrite default behaviour.

__iter__() -> Iterator[GTask]

Returns an iterator over all tasks in this task list.

__len__() -> int

Return the number of tasks in this task list.

all_tasks(*, show_deleted=False) -> list[GTask]

Returns a list of all tasks, completed or not, in this task list.

create_task(title: str, due: date | datetime | None = None) -> GTask

Creates a new task.

delete() -> None

Deletes this task list.

get_task(task_id: str) -> GTask

Returns the task with the given ID.

reload() -> GTaskList

Reloads this task list from the API.

GTasksClient(config: Config | None = None, *, read_only: bool = False)

Google API to easily handle Google Tasks.

read_only = read_only instance-attribute

resource = self._build_resource() instance-attribute

__enter__() -> GTasksClient

__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

all_tasklists(max_results: int | None = None) -> list[GTaskList]

Returns a list of all task lists.


Closes the client.

create_tasklist(title: str) -> GTaskList

Creates a new task list.

get_or_create_tasklist(title: str) -> GTaskList

Returns the task list with the given title or creates it if it doesn't exist yet.

get_tasklist(tasklist_id: str = '@default') -> GTaskList

Returns the task list with the given ID.

If no ID is given, the default task list is returned.


Recreate the current token using the scopes given at initialization.

search_tasklist(title: str) -> SList[GTaskList]

Returns the task list with the given title.


Representation of the different kinds of Google Objects.

TASK = 'tasks#task' class-attribute instance-attribute

TASK_LIST = 'tasks#taskList' class-attribute instance-attribute

Representation of a link in a Google Task.

description: str instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(extra='ignore' if is_stable_release() else 'forbid') class-attribute instance-attribute

type: str instance-attribute


TASKS_RO = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

Allows read-only access to Google Tasks

TASKS_RW = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

Allows read/write access to Google Tasks


Representation of the different statuses of a Google Task.

COMPLETED = 'completed' class-attribute instance-attribute

NEEDS_ACTION = 'needsAction' class-attribute instance-attribute

assert_datetime(dt: date | datetime | None) -> datetime | None

Asserts that the given object is a datetime object or None.