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Version 0.5.1, 2024-08-09

  • Fix: Added type unknown in user data when user is no longer accessing the workspace, issue #39

Version 0.5, 2024-08-07

  • New: Method page.append to append content to a page. Creation of blocks is supported!
  • New: Documentation on how to create the content of a page.
  • New: More robustness with respect to Notion API changes.
  • New: High-level method session.get_block to retrieve a single block.
  • Chg: Internally, archived property was renamed to in_trash.
  • Chg: Renamed .content to .children of a page for more consitency.
  • Chg: Use Property again to consistently refer to the columns of a database.
  • Chg: Make use of pendulum to represent DateRange values.
  • Chg: Renamed page.database to page.parent_db and page.in_db added as methods.
  • Chg: Large restructering of the code base.

Version 0.4, 2024-02-14

  • New: Introduced a configuration file under ~/.ultimate-notion/config.toml.
  • New: Added a simple Google Tasks client.
  • New: Added a general sychronization task for Notion to other services.
  • New: Added a specific Google Tasks synchronization task.
  • Fix: A page property can be deleted by setting it to None.
  • Chg: Reworked the testing setup to use more efficiently and be more robust.
  • Fix: Tons of fixes within blocks and general page content.
  • Chg: to_markdown() now uses an internal implementation instead of notion2md.

Version 0.3, 2023-12-26

  • Chg: RichText is now a subtype of str for more convenient & consistent usage.
  • Docs: Added more documentation about using databases.
  • Chg: icon attribute of database now returns Emoji instead of str.
  • New: Allow setting the icon and cover attribute of a page.
  • New: Allow setting the title of a non-database page.
  • Fix: created_by and last_edited_by return proper User object.

Version 0.2, 2023-12-19

  • Fix: Notion API's undocumented description of SelectOption added.
  • New: Navigate pages using parent and children.
  • Chg: Rename parents to ancestors.
  • Fix: Wrong return value of PropertyType Status.value.
  • Chg: Make show consistent for Page, View, PageSchema.
  • Ref: Refactor value in PropertyValue.
  • Ref: Reduce unnecessary funtionality of Number, use value instead.

Version 0.1, 2023-12-16

  • First official alpha release.