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Functionality to initialize a Notion Session.

Session(cfg: Config | None = None, *, client: notion_client.Client | None = None, **kwargs: Any)

A session for the Notion API.

The session keeps tracks of all objects, e.g. pages, databases, etc. in an object store to avoid unnecessary calls to the API.


Name Type Description Default
cfg Config | None

configuration object

**kwargs Any

Arguments for the Notion SDK Client


api: NotionAPI = NotionAPI(self.client) instance-attribute

cache: dict[UUID, DataObject | User] = {} class-attribute

client: notion_client.Client = create_notion_client(cfg, **kwargs) if client is None else client instance-attribute

__enter__() -> Session

__exit__(exc_type: type[BaseException], exc_value: BaseException, traceback: TracebackType) -> None

all_users() -> list[User]

Retrieve all users of this workspace.


Close the session and release resources.

create_db(parent: Page, schema: type[Schema] | None = None) -> Database

Create a new database within a page.

create_dbs(parents: Page | list[Page], schemas: list[type[Schema]]) -> list[Database]

Create new databases in the right order in case there a relations between them.

create_page(parent: Page | Database, title: Text | str | None = None) -> Page

Create a new page in a parent page or database.

get_active() -> Session classmethod

Return the current active session or None.

get_block(block_ref: UUID | str, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> Block

Retrieve a single block by an object reference.

get_db(db_ref: UUID | str, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> Database

Retrieve Notion database by uuid

get_or_create(*args, **kwargs) -> Session classmethod

Return the current active session or create a new session.

get_or_create_db(parent: Page, schema: type[Schema]) -> Database

Get or create the database.

get_page(page_ref: UUID | str, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> Page

Retrieve a page by uuid.

get_user(user_ref: UUID | str, *, use_cache: bool = True) -> User

Get a user by uuid.


Trying to retrieve yourself, i.e. the bot integration, only works if use_cache is true, since the low-level api, i.e. api.users.retrieve() does not work for the bot integration. Better use whoami() to get the bot integration user object.

is_closed() -> bool

Determine if the session is closed or not.


Confirm that the session is active and raise otherwise.

Raises SessionError if there is a problem, otherwise returns None.

search_db(db_name: str | None = None, *, exact: bool = True, reverse: bool = False, deleted: bool = False) -> SList[Database]

Search a database by name or return all if db_name is None.


Name Type Description Default
db_name str | None

name/title of the database, return all if None

exact bool

perform an exact search, not only a substring match

reverse bool

search in the reverse order, i.e. the least recently edited results first

deleted bool

include deleted databases in search


search_page(title: str | None = None, *, exact: bool = True, reverse: bool = False) -> SList[Page]

Search a page by name. Deleted pages, i.e. in trash, are not included in the search.


Name Type Description Default
title str | None

title of the page, return all if None

exact bool

perform an exact search, not only a substring match

reverse bool

search in the reverse order, i.e. the least recently edited results first


search_user(name: str) -> SList[User]

Search a user by name.

whoami() -> User

Return the user object of this bot.


Raised when there are issues with the Notion session.